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Through the use of sound technology, the Audio Team plays a vital role behind the scenes to help convey God's message to the congregation. We anticipate and provide unimpeded technical support to the Pastor and other ministries. This ministry operates the audio equipment in support of all church services and various special events. To accomplish this, we utilize microphones and adapters to acquire sounds electronically. We control, adjust and blend sounds with an audio mixer or sound board before sending the signal to the amplifiers and loudspeakers.

Volunteer should have a good sense of hearing and understanding of sound. They must be alert to what is happening during the service, listen carefully to ensure clarity and volume of sound. They must also have some knowledge of music and/or electronic equipment or be willing to be trained/or mentored. 

Vision Statement:
To make certain all church services and events are effectively and efficiently monitored for quality sound. 

Mission Statement:
The goal is to provide clear sound that is distraction free to the listener. To bring about the enhancement of the overall worship and church experience through audio technology.

Foundational Scripture: Romans 10:18
But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed: "Their sound has done out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the earth."

To request more information about the Audio & Visual Ministry, please e-mail

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